Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Back to Ipoh

Hmm... nothing special...

Saturday - went to St. Peter's Church Chinese Youth Fellowship. Duhh... lesson... Then at night? There was STM Night (STM = Seminari Teologi Malaysia) in Chinese Methodist Church Jalan Yang Kalsom. The St. Michael's Church Youth went there, so I went also. Met Rev Yu Chin Lick who was the Pasir Pinji Methodist Church pastor. The STM students have dance, drama, and the pastor from STM gave a sermon. Then we have refreshment. A female student from STM came and talk to me. She's from Jasin. Jasin Methodist Church. Oh yes, by the way there was my kindergarten teacher, Teacher Leong.

Sunday - STM Sunday in St. Peter's Church. 3 STM lecturers and a few STM students came. Eh? The girl again? Then lunch... go home... then went to St. John's Church to attend the STM TEE certificate awarding ceremony. My mom was expected to get a cert for attending the Anglicanism class last year, and... wow! I also got it!

Monday - went to UTAR Kampar and got some particulars about the courses, then met a few old friends during lunch time...

Tuesday - Gereja Hallelujah and The Cornerstone Sanctuary are going to publish an annual report for last year. These two churches are under Rev Dato' Dr Yeoh Beng San. Through his wife who is also my mom's boss in Ray of Hope, Datin Mary, and through my mom, he asked my dad to translate the reports from English to Chinese. I also helped in translating.

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